Josh Technology Group

6 Ways How AI is Impacting (Or Is Set To) Impact Everyday Life

In the last few years, the concept of Artificial Intelligence has taken over practically every aspect of our lives. From Mark Zuckerburg to Elon Musk, everyone has been hotly debating and talking about AI and its global impact. AI has been affecting our lives in more and more tangible ways and in ways we could never have imagined.

The idea that computers are ‘intelligent’ had been established as far back as the 1950s when computer pioneer Alan Turing asked whether machines can think. 70 years down the line, AI has evolved from a vague concept to a ubiquitous reality, impacting and shaping the very fabric of our lives. And the right combination of factors like the internet and internet-connected devices that generate an overwhelming quantity of data and cloud computing and software algorithms are recognizing patterns within data and taking the game to the next level.

Here are some interesting ways in which AI will impact the common man (or already has):

Access to virtual multiple assistants– With technology embedded in gadgets and pieces of furniture across the house, we’ll have voice-based technologies in cars, TVs, lamps and more. We already have Alexa doing our bidding. But this is just the tip of the iceberg. The practical new result could be more confusing than helpful. Very soon we could all have multiple virtual assistants guiding, helping and supporting us in our daily routines. 

Toothbrush with AI abilities– Oral B recently unveiled their AI powered toothbrush that could guide you on your dental hygiene and tell you whether you’re brushing your teeth for the right amount of time and at the right places. 

News and market reports tailored for you– Now this is a function that we’re all already experiencing (and loving).  News you’re interested in and topics you’d like to read about are handed to you on a platter. Based on the data generated by your previous searches, the internet can provide you with content that you would specifically enjoy. 

AI can also help generate very in-depth reports on how your portfolio of stocks is performing on the market. And no, we’re not talking about the reports that do a general recap of market response. These reports give you a more detailed idea about EXACTLY where you stand with an analytical statement like “At 1pm, the market went up by 1% but your stock value dropped by 2%. The purchase of xy stock is partially responsible as it has sharply fallen since last week….”

Your gadget could become your buddy– Folks who have watched the award-winning sci-fi romantic drama ‘Her’ will definitely catch the drift. Your operating system could become your mentor and confidante in the near future. Going beyond the routine questions and answers, machines are now well on their way to having meaningful conversations with you. Your devices are getting a whole lot smarter by studying data and learning how humans behave and respond to different situations. Detailed answers, personal queries and insightful suggestions will be provided by devices based on what we’re doing (or trying to do). 

Automated transportation– Airplanes use FMS (Flight Management System), a combination of GPS, motion sensors, and computer systems to track their positions during flight. So the pilot of an an average Boeing 777 spends only a few minutes flying the plane, most during take off and landing. 

Self-driven cars are of course a more complex phenomenon due to more traffic on the roads, more obstacles and traffic rules. In spite of this, self-driven cars have proved to be safer than their  human-driven counterparts, according to a study with 55 Google vehicles that drove over 1.3 million miles altogether.

Cyborg technology– According to Oxford C.S. professor Shimon Whiteson, technology will help us enhance many of our natural abilities in the near future. The human brain and limbs have their weaknesses but scientists foresee a future where AI can help the average human acquire the efficiency and unparalleled abilities of machines. AI can also help amputees regain the complete working of their limbs by enabling the brain to communicate with the robotic limb. 

AI is constantly evolving and Machine Learning is the newest approach where instead of encoding machines with information, machines are being enabled to learn how to learn.